In an e-commerce application, when a customer places an order, it is common to need to send an order_placed event to an event bus for further processing. A straightforward approach would be to make an entry in the order table and then publish the event synchronously. However, this raises significant concerns regarding the availability and reliability of the event bus.


Message queue is unavailable while placing order

For instance, what happens if the event bus is not available at the moment of publishing? In this case, one might consider rolling back the transaction in the order service to ensure that the order is not created without the corresponding event being sent. This rollback, however, introduces a delay in the user experience and creates a tight coupling between the order creation and event publishing processes.

Similarly, if the order service writes to the order table and simultaneously sends an HTTP request to the inventory service to update inventory levels, what if the inventory service is down? This creates another point of temporal coupling, where the success of the order placement is dependent on the availability of the inventory service. If the inventory service fails to respond, it could lead to inconsistent states between the order and inventory systems.

Can we solve this issue using Outbox Pattern? Answer is Yes, lets learn about it

What is outbox pattern?

The Outbox Pattern is a design pattern used in distributed systems, particularly in microservices architecture, to ensure reliable message delivery while maintaining data consistency between different services. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the Outbox Pattern, its use cases, and how it can be implemented.

In microservices, it’s common for a service to need to send messages to other services, often via a message broker (like RabbitMQ, Kafka, etc.) or to an event bus. However, ensuring that the message is sent reliably while maintaining consistency with the primary data store can be challenging. The Outbox Pattern addresses this challenge by utilizing a single database transaction to handle both the writing of the data and the message.

How It Works?


Publishing events/messages using Outbox Pattern

  1. Outbox Table:
    • An additional table (the outbox table) is created in the same database where the service stores its primary data. This table is used to store messages that need to be sent.
  2. Single Transaction:
    • When a service performs a business operation that requires sending a message, it writes both the business data and a message record into the outbox table in a single transaction. This ensures that either both actions succeed or neither does, thus maintaining consistency.
  3. Message Dispatcher:
    • A separate process (often a background worker or a scheduled task) is responsible for reading the messages from the outbox table and sending them to the appropriate message broker or downstream service.
    • After successfully sending the message, the dispatcher can mark the message as sent or remove it from the outbox table.
  4. Idempotency:
    • To handle the possibility of the message being sent more than once (due to retries or failures), the design should ensure that the operations in the receiving service are idempotent.

How to Implement it?

  1. Define the Outbox Table: Create a table structure that includes fields such as id, event_type, payload, priority, created_at, and processed_at.
  2. Write to Outbox: Within your service method, after modifying the main entity, insert a record into the outbox table within the same transaction.
  3. Message Dispatcher: Implement a background service or scheduled job that polls the outbox table for new messages, sends them to the message broker, and marks them as processed.
  4. Error Handling and Retries: Implement error handling and retries in the message dispatcher to handle transient failures while sending messages.
  5. Idempotency: Ensure that the receiving service can handle duplicate messages without adverse effects, typically by using unique identifiers for each message.

Let’s go back to the e-commerce application where a customer places an order.

The order service needs to:

  1. Update the order status in the database.
  2. Send an event to a message broker to notify other services (like inventory and billing).

Using the Outbox Pattern, the order service would:

  1. Update the order status and insert a record in the outbox table with the event details in one transaction.
  2. A separate process reads from the outbox, sends the event to the message broker, and updates the outbox table to mark the event as processed.

Where to use Outbox pattern?

  1. Event-Driven Architectures: In scenarios where services need to communicate asynchronously through events (e.g., user registrations, order processing), the Outbox Pattern ensures that events are not lost even if the sending process fails.
  2. Transactional Outbox: When performing operations that need to be atomic (e.g., updating a user profile and notifying other services), the Outbox Pattern guarantees that both the data change and the event are either committed together or not at all. This is essential for applying distributed transaction while performing Saga pattern.
  3. Consistency Across Services: In scenarios where data consistency is critical (e.g., financial transactions), the Outbox Pattern helps maintain consistency (eventual consistency) between different services by ensuring that the message is only sent if the data update was successful.
  4. Microservices Communication: The pattern is beneficial in microservices architectures where inter-service communication is frequent, and data synchronization across services is essential.

Now that we understand when to use the Outbox Pattern, let’s explore its advantages and challenges.


  1. Reliability: Guarantees that messages are not lost and are sent only once.
  2. Atomicity: Ensures that the write to the database and the message dispatch happen atomically.
  3. Decoupling: Keeps the sending logic separate from the business logic, promoting cleaner code and better separation of concerns.
  4. Failure Recovery: Provides a mechanism for recovering from failures since the messages remain in the outbox until they are successfully sent.


  1. Increased Complexity: Implementing the Outbox Pattern can add complexity to your system, particularly in managing the outbox processing mechanism.
  2. Database Load: Continuously polling the outbox table may introduce additional load on the database, especially in high-throughput systems.
  3. Idempotency: Consumers of the outbox messages need to be designed to handle potential duplicates gracefully.

The Outbox Pattern is a powerful solution for ensuring reliable message delivery and maintaining data consistency in microservices architectures. By leveraging a transactional outbox, it helps avoid the pitfalls of distributed systems, such as lost messages and inconsistent state across services.