Mastering Microservices: The Battle Between Choreography & Orchestration

In Choreography, dancers perform independently based on cues or signals from each other, without a central leader directing them. Each dancer knows their part and reacts to the movements or signals from others, much like how microservices communicate through events. The performance unfolds naturally as each dancer responds to the rhythm and flow. Dancers performing choreography in sync with the music In Orchestration, however, a conductor leads the musicians, directing them when to start, stop, or change tempo. The conductor has full control over the entire performance, much like how an orchestrator in microservices coordinates each service, managing the flow and ensuring everything happens in the right sequence. ...

September 24, 2024 · 6 min · Saddam H

Mastering Microservices: The Power of Effective Communication

The way you communicate, Does It Affect Your Way of Life? Certainly it does, communication is essential for understanding each other; nearly every living organism relies on it. While that’s not our topic today, it’s crucial to consider how communication impacts distributed systems. So, what happens when hundreds of services need to interact with each other? How do you manage this in your daily work? Are your services becoming overly chatty and tangled, like a plate of spaghetti? ...

September 16, 2024 · 6 min · Saddam H